Sister, if I were sitting across from you, I’d sit close and put my arm around your shoulder … and together, we’d first take in a big breath. (sidenote: taking in deep breaths is like a reset – facts!)

Then we’d take the guesswork out of your question and get you a home pregnancy test.

Pregnancy tests can be taken in the privacy of your own personal space, discretely in a public restroom, and/or in the safety and security of your local health department, health clinic, and/or pregnancy center.

Here at Davie Pregnancy Care Center, it is our passion to walk alongside of you during this overwhelming, questionable time. Whether you walk in during service hours or call to set up an appointment, one of our staff or volunteers would meet with you and administer a free pregnancy test. Together, we’d read the results. Whether positive or negative results, we would discuss what resources are available at DPCC and/or in the community based on your unique needs.

If your pregnancy test reads positive …

Consider retesting and/or schedule an appointment with a health care professional to verify the pregnancy. Ultrasounds can be completed at the 5 weeks 5 days gestational mark. At Davie Pregnancy Care Center, we offer free and confidential ultrasounds every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month via Mobile Ultrasound Unit.
Facts: Did you know that a baby’s heartbeat is detected after 5-6 weeks after conception? Baby’s heart begins beating 22 days after fertilization.

If your pregnancy test reads negative …

Continue to monitor your potential symptoms, your menstrual cycle, and consider retesting after some time has passed. It’s always best practice to follow up with a health care professional to verify pregnancy results. To prevent future unwanted pregnancies, consider what family planning and birth control options are available.
Experiencing an unexpected, unplanned pregnancy is also a great opportunity to do a self-check and reflect on your personal relationships, health, sexuality, lifestyle, and goals for the future. If the potential of having an unplanned baby became a reality, how would that affect your world? Oftentimes, these opportunities give us the chance to reevaluate and change what and where we are currently.