Am I pregnant? As you can see, it’s one of the most commonly Googled questions. But since Google or WebMD can convince even us sane ones we have the bubonic plague if we dig too much, we thought we help you figure out if you need to take the next step and come in for testing.


Early pregnancy symptoms check-list:


Don’t guess, know for sure.  

If you answer yes to a few of these questions, give us a call or send us a message. 

We can offer you free lab-grade pregnancy testing, and if needed, a diagnostic ultrasound which is the only way to 100% confirm whether you have a viable pregnancy. 

Even if you’ve already taken a home pregnancy test, come see us. We provide a safe, supportive place to explore your options and learn what resources are available to you in Mocksville, NC and surrounding areas. Make an appointment today. 

But girl, whatever you do next, just stay off Google. 😉